Our Mission
As an Educational 501(c)(3) in North Carolina.
We bring hands on experiences into the world of Honey Bees. With the goal to spark interest through education and hands on interactions to provide a glimpse into the world of Honey Bees and the role they unknowingly play on our everyday lives with the hope to recruit more Honey Bee advocates!

our goals

Teach Beekeeping!
Provide hands on interactions shine some light into the mystery behind honey bees. Each visit to the hives, our beekeepers never stop learning. They will leave with more knowledge than they came with and cant wait for the next visit! They take this new information home and back to school to share their passion within their community to raise awareness and recruit more honey bee advocates!

Create More Bee Hives
By working with our volunteers to working with local governments we will establish honey bee hives in new locations to provide pollination and create honey bee awareness. The greatest reason is to create more new hive locations to teach the public about honey bees and beekeeping! With this we hope to reach and teach more and more honey bee advocates in this local area that are unable or cannot drive to other hive locations.

What Do Bees Do?
By discovering what honey bees eat you also learn what they do for the environment pollinate! The need for honey bee pollination services has increased nationwide due to the market demand for foods like nuts, orchard fruits, berries, and numerous vegetables. With all the new risk factors the honey bees have to deal with it is critical that we protect our pollinators!
Join in with us!
Here are a few upcoming and past events!
Come join us!
We hope you enjoy our outreach
We are partnering with our hosts and a sponsors to bring additional items/contributions to our outreach.
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Your help is needed
Donate to the Save The Bees NC cause.
Learn what we are doing and how you can help!