Factors impacting honey bees

Pests & Disease

Most infamous is the varroa mite, that feeds on bees blood and also transfers pathogens that stunt bee growth and shortens the bee's life span. Much like a tick spreading lime disease through humans the varroa mite also passes multiple viruses through the bees colony eventually overwhelming the hive and killing them..


The millions of commercially bread queens come from only a few mother queens and makes us wonder about the lack of genetic diversity. And these mass produced queens are now lacking genetic defenses to resist against disease pathogens and pests.

Food Deserts

On an industrial scale, large allotments of land are required to be cleared for farming and the intensive practices used on the land result in soil degradation among other environmental stressors. These simplified landscapes reduce local and regional biodiversity, which is impacting our bees.


The pesticides used on beehives and agricultural crops to protect against parasites could be getting into bees food and water supply. Some pesticides impact the bees homing ability's and are unable to remember the way home and sadly they never make it back to the hive.

What can you do to help protect bees?

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Plant a Bee Garden

One of the largest threats to bees is a lack of habitat where they can build homes and find a variety of nutritious food sources that are in bloom multiple times a year. By planting a bee garden, you can create a habitat corridor with plants that are rich in pollen and nectar. You don’t need a ton of space to grow bee-friendly plants — gardens can be established across yards and in window boxes, flower pots, and planters. You can also get involved with local organizations and governments to find opportunities to enrich public and shared spaces.

Support Local Beekeepers

Local beekeepers work hard to nurture their bees and the local community. The easiest way to show your appreciation is to buy locally-made honey and products. Many beekeepers use products from their hives to create soaps, lotions, and beeswax candles. Plus, local honey is not only delicious — it is made from local flora and may help with seasonal allergies! You can also give time, resources, and monetary donations to local beekeeping societies and environmental groups to help their programs grow.

Learn and Teach

Inspire the next generation of honey bee citizens with guides, lessons, and activities to get them buzzed about bees! Educators now have many free resources including beekeepers to bring nature and ecology into the classroom.

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Reduce Chemical Use

Synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, and neonicotinoids are harmful to bees wreaking havoc on their sensitive systems. Avoid treating your garden and green spaces with synthetics. Instead, use organic products and natural solutions such compost to aid soil health and adding beneficial insects that keep pests away like ladybugs and praying mantises. If you must use chemicals please read the label and use it correctly. Avoid spraying when the flowers are in bloom and try to spray at dusk when the bees are returning home for the night to avoid a bee landing in a flower containing wet chemicals.

Upcoming events

Events are a special experience into the world of Bees.  To help spark interest and educate with a glimpse into the world of Bees and the role they unknowingly play on our everyday lives in the hope to recruit more Bee advocates!

Hands on learning Honey Bees and their environments!

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